About Us
We are a grassroots group of volunteers in Shepherdstown, WV, who are passionate about regenerating soil, preserving and renewing ecosystems, and re-balancing the carbon cycle.
For more information on how to get involved with SOS, check out our upcoming events and subscribe to our newsletter by visiting this tab! We would also love to have you join our Facebook group. |
The SOS steering committee meeting via Zoom to plan their upcoming events.
To champion the regeneration of soil through our words and actions, working in increasingly larger circles from our neighborhoods to the broader community and ultimately though out the Eastern Panhandle of WV.
We envision a web of reciprocity throughout the Eastern Panhandle where rich and healthy soil supports a flourishing ecosystem with abundant native plants and trees that in turn nurtures insects, animals, and the people who live here, who honor the soil and ecosystems.